Maricopa County Assessor's Office Strategic Plan

Our mission is to respect those we serve and inspire public confidence in our accuracy, efficiency, and fairness. We are committed to serving the public with the utmost respect and transparency in every interaction and matching needs. We will make every effort to ensure that the public has a positive experience with our organization and leave with a better understanding of the assessment and valuation process.

GOAL ONE: Establish a consistent strategy for contacting the Assessor’s Office, clarifying the roles of the STAR Contact Center, public assistance, clerks, and other areas of contact within the organization.
Year 1 (FY2022)
Convene a group of stakeholders.
Facilitate the current and future state mapping of existing processes.
Facilitate the development of a single integrated strategy and process for customer contact.
Year 2 (FY2023)
Evaluate contact center resources and training on Assessor inquiries.
Continue to evaluate the processes from Year 1 efforts and make necessary changes.
Year 3 (FY2024)
Determine the training, education, and resource needs on handling assessor general inquiries.
Pilot a contact center cross-training plan on general assessor inquiries with contact center workgroups.
Evaluate plan and implement additional measures.
Years 4 - 5 (FY2025-FY2026)
Expand on Year 3 efforts to include all general assessor inquiries both via email, telephone and virtually.
Ensure the publishing of all training plans and work instructions among all workgroups.
Assess results from Year 4 efforts and implement additional measures in Year 5.

GOAL TWO: Decrease wait time to resolve customer inquiries.
Year 1 (FY2022)
Begin to evaluate average customer wait time and the number of transfers using data from STAR Contact Center and customer feedback.
Create a process to establish feedback loops from employees and business partners.
Evaluate reasons for calls.
Simplify call-handling procedures.
Year 2 (FY2023)
Determine causes of longer wait times and multiple transfers.
Continue collecting and assessing data through the STAR Contact Center, Customer Portal, and surveys.
Years 3 - 5 (FY2024-FY2026)
Continue collecting and assessing data from STAR Contact Center, Customer Portal, and surveys.
Identify and implement changes to processes based on data and feedback.
​Target customer service training to gain further knowledge on frequently asked questions.

GOAL THREE: Reduce call volume by improving the clarity and simplicity of all forms and letters
within three years.
Year 2 (FY2023)
Gather and review all current forms and letters.
Identify the number of current calls related to forms and letters that create confusion for customers.
Prioritize the editing of documents that generate the most phone calls.
Begin to refine all forms and letters to include simplified language and explanations.
If necessary, begin to add supplemental documents with instructions to accompany forms.
Years 3 - 5 (FY2024-FY2026)
Assess data results from Year 3 efforts.
Identify and implement adjustments to forms and letters based on data and feedback from Year 3.
Implement annual review of form and letter standards.

GOAL FOUR: Develop and implement a plan that has creative ways to efficiently and effectively receive and process forms.
Year 1 (FY2022)
Develop a task force to brainstorm ideas.
Year 2 (FY2023)
Begin to implement ideas from Year 1 efforts.
Evaluate options that allow customers to choose communication preferences (paper, electronic)
Continue to brainstorm and implement additional measures.
Years 3 - 5 (FY2024-FY2026)
Continue to evaluate options that allow customers to choose communication preferences (paper, electronic).
Continue to translate our most commonly used customer forms based on customer feedback.
Continue to brainstorm and implement additional measures.

GOAL FIVE: Ensure the public has a positive experience with our office.
Year 2 (FY2023)
Perform research and analysis of actual end-users of our services, leveraging survey feedback.
Years 3-4 (FY2024-FY2025)
By June 2025, implement customer satisfaction metrics with baseline and tracking for Public Assistance and Support Services.
Select, pilot, and implement translation solutions for customer-specific language needs.
Year 5 (FY2026)
Implement changes to improve customer experience based on survey results.